Regular Meeting - May 31, 2023
- 1. Verbal Report - Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service Strategic Direction
- 2. Renewal of Fire Protection Services Agreement with Border Chemical Company Limited
- 3. Health Canada Air Quality Funding Phase 2
- 4. Valley Gardens Community Centre - Baseball Diamond Renaming
- 5. Park Asset Naming - St. Vital Memorial Park Basketball Court
- 6. Park and Recreation Enhancement Funds for Nelson McIntyre Collegiate Track Project
- 7. Options for Staffing at the City of Winnipeg's Stand-alone Public Washroom and Community Resource Hub
- 8. Winnipeg Library Services
- 9. Winnipeg Public Library Safety
10. Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Amendment Community Cats
- Submission - Clive and June Hickson
- Submission - Cheryle Jahn, Pat Byrd, and Peter Jahn
- Submission - Gail Katz, Laya Kneller, Jordan Katz, and Wayne Hamel
- Submission - Angie Kudlak
- Submission - Cielo Beltran
- Submission - Chantel Touchette
- Submission - Debbie Wall
- Submission - Erin Rueckert
- Submission - Claudia Allen
- 11. Addition of 20 FTE Paramedic Positions to WFPS Staff Complement to Staff Two Additional 24-Hour Ambulances
- 12. Extreme Weather Response