Regular Meeting - September 4, 2024
- 1. Traffic Signalization at Main Street and Fernbank Avenue - Monthly Updates
- 2. Semi-Annual Summary of Delegated Authority to Award Per Capita, Land Dedication, and Community Incentive Grants
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Miles Macdonell Collegiate Alumni Association
- 4. Occasional Liquor Permit - Elmwood Giants Baseball Club
- 5. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - River Elm School
- 6. Plan Approval - 1285-1365 Devonshire Drive West
- 7. Request for New Street Names to be Added to the East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee Street Name Reserve List
- 8. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 1266, 1300 & 1350 Dugald Road - DASZ 13/2020
HEARINGS - 10:30 A.M.
- 1. Excess Animal Permit - 543 Melbourne Avenue - PA 2/2024
- 2. Excess Animal Permit - 339 Bonner Avenue - PA 6/2022
- 3. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1873 Henderson Highway - ZAA 3/2024
- 4. Conditional Use - 1873 Henderson Highway - DCU 151935/2024D
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1444 Ravelston Avenue - DASZ 32/2024
- 6. Variance - 1444 Ravelston Avenue - DAV 147192/2024D
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southwest Dawson Road South at Plessis Road, Precinct J - DASZ 12/2024
- 8. Variance - Southwest Corner of Dawson Road South at Plessis Road, Precinct J - DAV 124835/2024D
- 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - Dugald Road-Plessis Road - DASZ 16/2024
- 10. Variance - Dugald Road-Plessis Road - DAV 120733/2024D