Regular Meeting - November 18, 2003
- 1. Evelyne Slesak, President, The Meadows - A Community Park (See Minute 20)
- 2. Don Gale, President, East End Community Centre (See Minute 19)
- 3. Gary Shewchuk, President, Transcona Nationals Football Club (See Minute 22)
- 4. Kathy Brown, Transcona & District Pipers & Drummers Assoc. (See Minute 21)
- 5. 2004 Schedule of Meetings - East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee
- 6. Appointment to Secretariat Committee
- 7. Rotary Prairie Nature Park
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Afro-Caribbean Association of Manitoba
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Columbus Seniors' Association
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood-East Kildonan Retired Citizens Association, Inc.
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Child and Family Services/Holy Redeemer Parish
- 12. Per Capita Grant - The Royal Canadian Legion Prince Edward Branch No. 81
- 13. Sale of Additional Land, Plan 13269 - Adjoining 147 Whellams Lane
- 14. Sale of Closed Lane East of Henderson Highway at Gilmore Avenue
- 15. Application for a Non-conforming Approach to 523 Sydney Avenue Requested by Mr. and Mrs. Erlindo Lascano
- 16. Request to close Trent Avenue at Golspie Street
- 17. Baseball Complex Proposal for Transcona Ward - The Ball Parks of Transcona
- 18. Community Incentive Grant - Gateway Recreation Association
- 19. Community Incentive Grant - East End Community Centre
- 20. Community Incentive Grant - The Meadows - A Community Park
- 21. Per Capita Grant - Transcona & District Pipers & Drummers
- 22. Request for Funding - Transcona Nationals Football Club
- 23. Plan Approval - 1486 Regent Avenue (Frontier Toyota)
- 24. Plan Approval - 17 Valhalla Drive (Kildonan Tennis and Canoe Club)
- 25. Sidewalk Maintenance Program
- 26. Henderson Library - Public Use Facilities Study
- 27. Request for List of Park Facilities - East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee
- 28. Square Dancing Program in Elmwood-East Kildonan
- 29. Backlane between Trudell Bay and Bournais Drive
- 30. Snowclearing of Pathway from Hatcher to Ranchgrove
- 31. George Lawrence to be used as Street Name for DASZ 30/2003
- 32. License - 5-3 Reenders Drive - LA 58/2003
- 33. License - 770 Moncton Avenue - LA 328685/2003
- Attachment 2003 09 12
- 34. Proposed Closing of the Public Lane in the Block bounded by Pandora and Melrose Avenues and Winona and Bond Streets - DAC 19/2003
- 35. Proposed Closing of Part of Eaglemere Drive at Golden Eagle Drive - DAC 24/2003
- 36. Subdivision and Rezoning - South of Pandora Avenue West, West of Bournais Street - DASZ 30/03