Regular Meeting - July 13, 2004
- 1. Wes Shoemaker, Fire and Paramedic Chief, Fire Paramedic Service (See Report 14)
- 2. Laurie Martens, General Manager, Granite Curling Club (See Report 12)
- 1. Appeal - Derelict Vehicle By-law No. 460/73 - 816 St. Matthews Avenue
- 2. Appeal - Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No 4903/88 - 667 Warsaw Avenue
- 3. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the City Centre Library Advisory Committee
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Wellington School Sunshine Fund
- 5. Sale of - 518 Beverley Street
- 6. Sale of Part Lots 2/4, Block 3, Plan 6206 - Adjoining 1424 Willson Place
- 7. Plan Approval - 1000 Wilkes Avenue
- 8. Plan Approval - 1250 Waverley Street
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Islamic Association
- 10. Community Incentive Grant - Laura Secord Parent Council
- 11. Community Incentive Grant - General Byng School - Elementary Music Department
- 12. Community Incentive Grant - The Granite Curling Club
- 13. Community Incentive Grant - Al-Hijra Islamic Parent Advisory Council
- 14. New Fire Prevention By-law
- 1. License - 904 Portage Avenue - LA 117388/2004
- 2. License - 9 - 1875 Pembina Highway - LA 118024/2004
- 3. License - 1389 Waller Avenue - LA 121011/2004
- 4. License - 340 Portage Avenue - LA 133544/2004
- 5. License - 1-308 Fort Street - LA 314352/2004
- 6. License - 354 Donald Street - LA 314413/2004
- 7. Demolition - The Portuguese Association of Manitoba - 647 Young Street - DEMO 119600/2004
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 75 - 87 Academy Road - DAZ 222/2004
- 9. Variance - 85 Academy Road - DAV 122430/2004D
- 10. Rezoning - 648 Sargent Avenue - DAZ 212/2004
- 11. Rezoning - 905 Corydon Avenue - DAZ 231/2004
- 12. Variance - 905 Corydon Avenue - DAV 133144/2004D
- 13. Rezoning - west side of Dovercourt Drive north of Scurfield Boulevard - DAZ 238/2004
- 14. Rezoning - 1535 Wellington Crescent (former CN rail righ-of-way including the bridge over Assiniboine River between Wolseley Avenue and Academy Road) - DAZ 235/2004
- 15. Conditional Use - 1535 Wellington Crescent (former CN rail right-of-way including the bridge over Assiniboine River between Wolseley Avenue and Academy Road) - DCU 112992/2004D
- 16. Variance - 1535 Wellington Crescent (former CN rail right-of-way including the bridge over Assiniboine River between Wolseley Avenue and Academy Road - DAV 113017/2004