Regular Meeting - September 21, 2004
- 1. Jonathon Toews, Director and Al Sawatzky, Treasurer, Student Ministries (See Report 17)
- 1. Appeal - Derelict Vehicle By-law No. 460/73 - 396 Brandon Avenue
- 2. Occasional Liquor Permit - Sargent in the Park Festival
- 3. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the City Centre Library Advisory Committee
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Brock Street Block Party
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Fort Garry Lions Football Club
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Rainbow Ministry
- 7. Per Capita Grant - McMillan Avenue Residents Association
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Mothers on Garwood
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Sargent in the Park
- 10. Community Incentive Grant - Al-Hijra Islamic School
- 11. Community Incentive Grant - Filipino Seniors Group (Winnipeg) Inc
- 12. Community Incentive Grant - General Byng School - Elementary Music Department
- 13. Community Incentive Grant - Valour Road Curling Club
- 14. Community Incentive Grant - Laura Secord Parent Council
- 15. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Islamic Association
- 16. Community Incentive Grant - The Indochina Chinese Association of Manitoba
- 17. Community Incentive Grant - The Refuge Skate Park and Drop-In Centre (Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church)
- 18. Plan Approval - 1000 Wilkes Avenue
- 19. Plan Approval - 1250 Waverley Street
- 20. Plan Approval - 99 Scurfield Boulevard
- 21. Non-Conforming Approach - 948 Nesbitt Bay
- 22. Speed Limit on Grant Avenue between Stafford Street and Cambridge Street
- 23. Community Incentive Grant - Orioles Community Centre
- 24. Non-Conforming Approach - 54 Edmond Muys Place
- 1. License - 2 Forks Market Road - LA 111663/2004
- 2. License - 834 St. Matthews Avenue - LA 126421/2004
- 3. License - 503 Ellice Avenue - LA 128691/2004
- 4. License - 61 Sherbrook Street - LA 132000/2004
- 5. License - 938 Portage Avenue - LA 318186/2004
- 6. Excess Animal Permit - 1016 Radisson Avenue - PA 159/2004
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - vacant land located north of Taylor Avenue, south of Mathers Avenue and Boulton Bay - DASZ 15/2004
- 8. Rezoning - 702 - 704 Scotland Avenue - DAZ 242/2004 [c/r DAV 316619/2004]
- 9. Variance - 702 Scotland Avenue - DAV 316619/2004D [c/r DAZ 242/2004]
- 10. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1032 Wilkes Avenue - DAZ 245/2004 [c/r DAV 318710/2004D]