Regular Meeting - October 19, 2004
- 1. Syed Haseebuddin, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Manitoba Islamic Association (See Report 2)
- 1. Appeal - Derelict Vehicle By-law No. 460/73 - 396 Brandon Avenue
- 2. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Islamic Association
- 3. Community Incentive Grant - The Refuge Skate Park and Drop-In Centre (Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church)
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - Riverview Community Centre Inc
- 5. Community Incentive Grant - Westminster Housing Co-op
- 6. Speed Limit on Grant Avenue between Stafford Street and Cambridge Street
- 7. Traffic Control at the Intersection of Taylor Avenue and Borebank Street
- Attachment 2004 09 27
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film Society Inc
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Spence Neighbourhood Association, Inc
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Riverbend Plaza Seniors Christmas Party
- 11. Plan Approval - Linden Ridge Subdivision
- 12. Plan Approval - 2034 McGillivray Boulevard
- 1. License - 410 Academy Road - LA 324291/2004
- 2. License - 392 Portage Avenue - LA 326494/2004
- 3. Rezoning - 1032 Wilkes Avenue - DAZ 245/2004
- 4. Variance - 1032 Wilkes Avenue - DAV 318710/2004D
- 5. Rezoning - 1075 Portage Avenue - DAZ 255/2004
- 6. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 995/999 Corydon Avenue - ZAA 18/2004
- 7. Variance - 995/999 Corydon Avenue - DAV 323255/2004D
- 8. Rezoning - 550 Academy Road - DAZ 254/2004
- 9. Conditional Use - 550 Academy Road - DCU 323747/2004
- 10. Variance - 550 Academy Road - DAV 323758/2004