Regular Meeting - November 30, 2004
- 1. Marcello Pozzoboni (See Minute 18)
- 2. Barry Olinkin, Citizens for Democratic Transportation Solutions
- Sandra Klinck
- Dan Sernyk, appeared on behalf of Terry Kozak,
- Hanna Hindle (See Minute 25)
- 3. Jack Harper, Health, Leisure and Human Performance Research Institute, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation Studies, University of Manitoba, and William Hickerson, Good Neighbours Senior Centre (See Minute 9)
- 4. Nicolas Lupien, Property Manager, SHEPCO Inc. (See Minute 7)
- 5. Vern Gaddows
- Gerry Bedford
- Terry Duguid
- Don Mitchelson
- Tony Romanow
- Petranella Earl and Jim Sutherland
- Myron Kruk
- David Ellie (See Minute 20)
- 6. Crisanta Parayaoan
- Jocelyn Karan (See Minute10)
- 7. Appeal - Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No 4903/88 - 160 Johnson Avenue West
- 8. Appointment to Secretariat Committee
- 9. The Bronx/Good Neighbour Centre Feasibility Study
- 10. Garbage Bin at 81 Garvie Walk
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Afro-Caribbean Association of Manitoba Inc
- 12. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood High School
- 13. Per Capita Grant - Fort Agassiz Social Club
- 14. Per Capita Grant - Keenleyside Tenants Association
- 15. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Inc
- 16. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Inc
- 17. Recreational Space in the North Kildonan Ward
- 18. Tree Removal at 600 Bond Street
- 19. Plan Approval - 1211 - 1243 Kildare Avenue East (Habitat for Humanity)
- 20. Sale/Exchange of Lands between 4525982 Manitoba Ltd. and the City of Winnipeg - Henderson Highway at Essar Avenue
- 21. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Garner
- 22. Acquisition of Zamboni - Morse Place Community Club
- 23. Non-Conforming Approach - 3 Peter Sosiak Bay Requested by Randall Homes (G. Daterra)
- 24. Backlane located in the vicinity of Park Manor Personal Care Home
- 25. Removal of Speed Humps and Turning Restrictions on Knowles Avenue and Bonner Avenue
- 26. 4-Way Stop Control at Bond Street and Ravelston Avenue
- 27. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood-East Kildonan Retired Citizens Association Inc
- 28. Per Capita Grant - Riverside Social Club
- 29. Per Capita Grant - Transcona & District Pipers & Drummers Association
- 30. Per Capita Grant - Transcona Anti-Graffiti Campaign
- 31. Plan Approval - 210 / 220 Oakland Avenue
- 32. Closing - Public Walk between Tudor Crescent and Besant Street - DAC 19/2004
- 33. Closing - Proposed Closing of Parts of Ravelston Avenue West, and Lagimodiere Boulevard South of Almey Avenue - DAC 20/2004
- 34. License - 396 Edison Avenue - LA 124764/2004
- 35. License - 122 - 701 Regent Avenue West - LA 128628/2004
- 36. License - 850 Regent Avenue West - LA 333283/2004
- 37. License - 1325 Henderson Highway - LA 333328/2004
- 38. Subdivision and Rezoning - Lopuck Bay east of Ravenhurst Street - DASZ 42/2004