Regular Meeting - December 8, 2004
- 60. Gerry Kaplan, Chairperson, Board of Directors, Age and Opportunity Centre,
- Bill McDonald, Vice-President and Board Member, together with Sister Lesley Sacouman and Sister Bernadette O'Reilly, Directors, Rossbrook House
- Heather Black, Program Coordinator, and Dion Knol, Program Coordinator for the Pritchard Place Program, Andrews Street Family Centre (See Minute 65)
- 61. Debbie Lauber (See Minute 68)
- 62. Rapid Transit Task Force
- 63. Award of Contract - Provision of 10 MBPS Transparent LAN Services
- 64. The Bronx Good Neighbours Centre Facility Feasibility Study
- 65. Renewal of Funding Agreements - Rossbrook House, Main Street Project, Age and Opportunity Centre, Andrews Street Family Centre, Citizenship Council of Manitoba, and Mediation Services
- 66. Discount(s) to be Allowed for the Prepayment of 2005 Realty, Personal Property and Business Tax
- 67. Appointment of Sinking Fund Trustees
- 68. Reactivation of Levies for Local Improvements on 901 and 929 Shaftesbury Boulevard
- 69. Agreement for Fire Protection Services for H2ICE Bus Stored at 2535 Inkster Boulevard in the R.M. of Rosser
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated December 2, 2004
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated November 30, 2004
- 71. 1. Subdivision - south side of rue Messager between avenue Tach? and rue St. Joseph - DAS 19/2004
- 72. 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - southeast corner Waverley Street and Lee Boulevard - DASZ 21/2004
- 73. 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - south side Leila Avenue between Agnes Arnold and Dunham Streets - DASZ 22/2004
- 74. 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - between 509 and 547 Templeton Avenue - DASZ 29/2004
- 75. 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - northwest corner of Pandora Avenue and Redonda Street - DASZ 33/2004
- 76. 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - west side Melnick Road, south of Warde Avenue Extension - DASZ 36/2004
- 77. 7. Rezoning - 337 Ferry Road - DAZ 257/2004
- 78. 8. Rezoning - 585 London Street - DAZ 260/2004
- 79. 9. Acquisition by Tax Sale and Declaration as Surplus - Six Residential Dwellings and Two Vacant Lots
- 80. 10. Joint Venture Agreement with Genstar Development Company - Jointly Owned lands within the Transcona-West Area
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services dated December 6, 2004
- No Report
- Standing Policy Committee on Public Works dated December 2, 2004
Standing Committee on Fiscal Issues dated December 7, 2004
- 83. 1. Entertainment Funding By-law Exemption
- 84. 2. Deficit Avoidance - Commitment Reserve, Waterworks System, Sewage Disposal System and the Equipment and Material Services Funds
- 85. 3. Deficit Avoidance - Snow Clearing Reserve Fund
- 86. 4. Deficit Avoidance - Fiscal Stabilization Reserve and Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve Funds
- 87. 2005 Preliminary Capital Budget and 2006 to 2010 Five-Year Capital Forecast
- 88. Affordable Housing Initiative Programs and 2004 Housing Rehabilitation Investment Reserve Budget Allocations
- 89. City-wide Accessibility Program
- 90. Standing Policy Committee on Public Works - Capital Budget and Forecast Recommendations
- 91. North Kildonan Traffic Study - Funding for Chief Peguis Trail
- 92. Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development - Capital Budget and Forecast Recommendations
- 93. Riverbank Stability Characterization Study for City-owned Riverbanks - 2004 Monitoring Report
- 94. Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services - Capital Budget and Forecast Recommendations