Regular Meeting - January 4, 2005
- 1. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the City Centre Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Per Capita Grant - Spirit Bear Drum Group
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Friends of the Cornish Library
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - Orioles Community Centre
- 5. Community Incentive Grant - Valour Road Curling Club
- 6. Community Incentive Grant - The Refuge Skate Park and Drop-In Centre - Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - Queenston School Advisory Council
- 8. Non-Conforming Approach - 1229 Rosemount Avenue
- 9. Graffiti
- 1. License - 1187 Pembina Highway - LA 335349/2004
- 2. License - 635 Pembina Highway - LA 337285/2004
- 3. Zoning Agreement Amendment - southeast Linden Ridge Drive and McGillivray Boulevard - ZAA 20/2004
- 4. Demolition - 586 Academy Road - DEMO 339783/2004
- 5. Opening and Closing - south of River Avenue between Bryce and Scott Streets - DAOC 2/2004
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - southwest corner of Lindenwood Drive West and Lindenwood Drive East, north of Fairhaven Road - DASZ 37/2004
- 7. Rezoning - 1884 McGillivray Boulevard - DAZ 269/2004
- 8. Rezoning - 880 Scotland Avenue - DAZ 270/2004
- 9. Variance - 880 Scotland Avenue - DAV 337587/2004D