Regular Meeting - January 11, 2005
- 1. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Nominations for Citizen Member Appointments to the Concordia Hospital Board of Directors
- 3. Garbage Bin at 81 Garvie Walk
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Inc
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Inc
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons
- Attachment 2004 12 21
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood High School
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Keenleyside Tenants Association
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Fort Agassiz Social Club
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Aboriginal Girl Guides
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Bench Donation Program at Bunn's Creek Park
- 12. Per Capita Grant - Filipino-Canadian Global Networking Group of Manitoba
- 13. Per Capita Grant - Patricia Hansell
- 14. Recreational Space in the North Kildonan Ward
- 15. Plan Approval - 1211 - 1243 Kildare Avenue East (Habitat for Humanity)
- 16. Installation of a Mid-Block Pedestrian Crosswalk at 875 McMeans Avenue
- 17. Request for Additional Stop Signs at Intersection of Bond Street and Ravelston Avenue
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - West Side of De Vries Avenue between Bonner Avenue and Knowles Avenue - DASZ 20/2004 [c/r DAV 134532/2004D]
- 2. Variance - West Side of De Vries Avenue between Bonner Avenue and Knowles Avenue - DAV 134532/2004D [c/r DASZ 20/2004]
- 3. Closing - Public Walk between Tudor Crescent and Besant Street - DAC 19/2004
- 4. Closing - Proposed Closing of Parts of Ravelston Avenue West, and Lagimodiere Boulevard South of Almey Avenue - DAC 20/2004
- 5. Closing - Part of De Vries Avenue at Knowles - DAC 25/2004 [c/r DASZ 20/2004]
- 6. License - 400 Pandora Avenue West -LA 126504/2004
- 7. License - 445 ? Watt Street- LA 126951/2004
- 8. License - 1650 Regent Avenue West- LA 314051/2004
- 9. License - 701 Regent Avenue West - LA 330691/2004