Regular Meeting - January 17, 2005
- 55. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the Riel Library Advisory Committee
- 56. Per Capita Grant - Le Club Belge Centennial Committee
- 57. Per Capita Grant - St. Norbert Immersion
- 58. Per Capita Grant - Julie Coss - Encounters with Canada
- 59. Per Capita Grant - Norwood Community Club
- 60. Speed Limit on St. Mary's Road between a point 100 metres south of Britannica Road and a point 250 metres south of P.T.H. No. 100
- 61. Per Capita Grant - Waverley West Resident's Association
- 62. Community Incentive Grant - Ryerson Association of Parents and Teachers
- 63. Plan Approval - Southeast corner of Compark Road and St. Anne's Road - ND LEA Engineers and Planners Inc
- 64. Plan Approval - 34 - 1 Waterfront Road - The Smith Agency Limited
- 65. Community Incentive Grant - St. Norbert Community Centre
- 66. Community Incentive Grant - Richmond Kings Community Centre
- 67. Community Incentive Grant - Waverley Heights Community Centre
- 68. Community Incentive Grant - St. Norbert Adult Education Centre
- 69. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 561 St. Anne's Road - ZAA 22/2004
- 70. Closing - parts of Fairfield Avenue at Barnes and Shore Streets and the public lane north of Fairfield between Barnes and Shore Streets - DAC 26/2004
- 71. Subdivision and Rezoning - 3420 Pembina Highway - DASZ 28/2004 [c/r DAV 132377/2004D]
- 72. Variance - 3420 Pembina Highway - DAV 132377/2004D [c/r DASZ 28/2004]
- 73. Demolition - 1589 St. Mary's Road - DEMO 337294/2004
- 74. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 677 / 679 St. Mary's Road - ZAA 25/2004