Regular Meeting - February 16, 2005
- Standing Committee on Fiscal Issues dated February 8, 2005
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated February 7, 2005
- 1. Street Closing - Parts of Bannatyne Avenue and Waterfront Drive
- 2. Street Closing - Part of Waterfront Drive north of Bannatyne Avenue
- 3. Design Centre Memorandum of Understanding
- 4. Lease of the Alexander Dock and Adjacent Lands to Paddlewheel Riverboats Ltd. for the 2005 Riverboat Season
- 5. Declaration as Surplus - Two Vacant Parcels
- Standing Policy Committee on Public Works dated February 8, 2005
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated February 1, 2005
- 1. Street Closing - parts of Fairfield Avenue at Barnes and Shore Streets and the public lane north of Fairfield between Barnes and Shore Streets - DAC 26/2004
- 2. Opening and Closing of public lanes at the Mount Carmel Clinic - 886 Main Street - DAOC 3/2004
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - southwest corner of Lindenwood Drive West and Lindenwood Drive East, north of Fairhaven Road - DASZ 37/2004
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 541, 543 and 547 Selkirk Avenue - DASZ 41/2004
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - west of Danube Drive, south of Templeton Avenue - DASZ 43/2004
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - south of McGillivray Boulevard, west of Columbia Drive, east of Post Street - DASZ 44/2004
- 7. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 2184-2188 McPhillips Street - ZAA 19/2004
- 8. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 561 St. Anne's Road - ZAA 22/2004
- 9. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 677 / 679 St. Mary's Road - ZAA 25/2004
- 10. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1295 and 1305 Leila Avenue - ZAA 26/2004
- 11. Rezoning - 1721 Main Street - DAZ 265/2004
- 12. Rezoning - 748, 752 McDermot Avenue - DAZ 267/2004
- 13. Rezoning - 2146 Main Street - DAZ 272/2004
- 14. Rezoning - 305 McPhillips Street - DAZ 273/2004
- 15. Membership - Historical Buildings Committee
- 16. Acquisition and Land Exchange - part of 715 St. Anne's Road and Lot 7, Plan 42013
- 17. Removal of Caveat for Pathway Easement - Lands Sold to Vicar Community Chevrolet Oldsmobile
- 18. Tax Sale Acquisition and Declaration as Surplus - Thirteen Residential Vacant Lots and Three Residential Properties with Vacant Buildings