Regular Meeting - February 22, 2005
- 1. Friends of the Harte Trail - Van Roon Heritage Garden Project
- 2. Community Incentive Grant - 500 Wing of the Air Force Association of Canada
- 3. Plan Approval - 3647 Portage Avenue (Ryan Gateway - Pattison Sign Group)
- 4. Plan Approval - 3965 Portage Avenue Pointe West Auto Mall (Orion Chevrolet Signage)
- 5. Local Improvement Project to be advertised in 2005
- 1. License - 3647 Portage Avenue - LA 335608/2004
- 2. License - 3311C Roblin Boulevard - LA 119932/2005
- 3. License - 575 C Berry Street - LA 111370/2005
- 4. Street Closing - Bourne and Morden Avenues and Bessboro and Post Streets - DAC 28/2004
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - northwest corner McGillivray Boulevard and Kenaston Boulevard - DASZ 39/2004 {c/r DAV 101489/2005D, DAC 21/2004]
- 6. Variance - 1610 Kenaston Boulevard - DAV 101489/2005D [DASZ 39/2004, DAC 21/2004]
- 7. Street Closing - Parts of Kenaston Boulevard - DAC 21/2004 [c/r DASZ 39/2004, DAV 101489/2004D]
- 8. Rezoning - 1515 Wellington Avenue - DAZ 202/2005 [c/r DAV 101858/2005D]
- 9. Variance - 1515 Wellington Avenue - DAV 101858/2005D [c/r DAZ 202/2005]