Regular Meeting - May 10, 2005
- 195. Syed Haseebuddin, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Manitoba Islamic Association (See Minute 208)
- 196. Appeal - The Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No. 4903/88 - 327 Johnson Avenue West
- 197. Occasional Liquor Permit - Transcona Hi Neighbour 2005 Festival
- 198. Maple Leaf Park - Land Dedication Reserve
- 199. Per Capita Grant - YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada Program (Miles Macdonell Collegiate)
- 200. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Inc
- 201. Per Capita Grant - Beautify Elmwood
- 202. Per Capita Grant - Bergen Hall Seniors Social Club
- 203. Per Capita Grant - Donwood Manor Foundation Inc
- 204. Per Capita Grant - Kiosk Merchandise for Coalition to Save the Elms
- 205. Per Capita Grant - Murdoch Mackay 2005 Safe Grad Parent Council
- 206. Per Capita Grant - Neil Campbell Elementary School
- 207. Per Capita Grant - Seniors Health Resource Team - River East
- 208. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Islamic Association
- 209. Community Incentive Grant - Transcona Business Improvement Zone
- 210. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Domia Derkach'
- 211. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Rougeau Garden Drive'
- 212. Plan Approval - 1570 Regent Avenue (Crossroads Station) - Wal-Mart Garden Centre
- 213. Plan Approval - 1211 - 1243 Kildare Avenue East (Habitat for Humanity)
- 214. Backlane Drainage at 208 and 212 Webster Avenue
- 215. Traffic Signals at Springfield Road and Rothesay Street
- 216. Per Capita Grant - Council of Caribbean Organizations of Manitoba Inc
- 217. Rotary Centenary Park - Land Dedication Reserve
- 218. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Evans'
- 219. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Boychuk'
- 220. Plan Approval - north west corner Day Street and Larche Avenue West
- 221. Per Capita Grant - Sun Valley Parent Advisory - Fun Fair Committee
- 222. Land Dedication Reserve - Scout Hall Playground
- 223. Informal Meetings with the River-East Transcona School Division
- 224. Traffic Signalization and Pedestrian Corridor at the intersection of Molson Street and Golden Eagle Drive
- 225. Per Capita Grant - Westland Foundation Education Fund - Westland Golf 2005 - 10th Annual ProAm Hole Sponsorship
- 226. Maintenance of Gravel Backlanes
- 227. Per Capita Grant - The Royal Canadian Legion, Transcona Branch No. 7
- 228. Transcona Kinsmen Pool - Land Dedication Reserve
- 229. Bramwell Tot-Lot - Land Dedication Reserve
- 230. Backlane off of Wayoata Street
- 231. Plan Approval - 3 Reenders Drive
- 232. Closing - part Lagimodiere Boulevard south of Almey Avenue - DAC 20/2004
- 233. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1366 / 1372 Henderson Highway / 174 Essar Avenue - DASZ 30/2004
- 234. Subdivision and Rezoning - southwest Grassie Boulevard and Pearn Avenue - DASZ 49/2004
- 235. License - 1555 Regent Avenue West - LA 120509/2005
- 236. License - 314 Bond Street - LA 128461/2004
- 237. License - 60 Archibald Street - LA 315923/2004
- 238. Subdivision and Rezoning - 290 Jacques Avenue - DASZ 14/2005
- 239. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1455 Molson Street - DAZ 206/2005
- 240. Subdivision and Rezoning - land located on the north side of Rougeau Avenue south of CNR Railway - DASZ 17/2005