Regular Meeting - June 7, 2005
- 1. Susan Vickar, Chairperson, Just A Second Hand Store (See Report 4)
- 2. Fernanda Hodgson, Executive Director, accompanied by Jennifer Dyck, Centre Director, Day Nursery Centre (See Report 11)
- 3. Katia von Stackelberg, Executive Director, accompanied by Vince Bueti, President, Corydon Avenue BIZ and Ross McGowan, McGowan Russell Group See Report 2)
- 4. Ross Mitchell, ND LEA (See Report 18)
- 1. Appeal - The Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No. 4903/88 - 502 Langside Street
- 2. Corydon Avenue BIZ - Presentation on Safety and Conditions of Corydon Avenue
- 3. Occasional Liquor Permit - Manitoba Provincial Wakeboarding Championships
- 4. Waiver of Development Application Fees - Just a Second Store
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Wolseley Parent Resource Committee
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Ecole J.B. Mitchell School
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Hospice Fundraiser Organizing Committee
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Oak Street Block Party
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Western Central Women's Resource Centre
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Yale Avenue Block Party
- 11. Community Incentive Grant - Day Nursery Centre - (Crossways Site)
- 12. Plan Approval - 481 River Avenue
- 13. Plan Approval - 2034 McGillivray Boulevard
- 14. Non-Conforming Approach - 71 Cambridge Street
- 15. Non-Conforming Approach - 96 Falcon Ridge Drive
- 16. Non-Conforming Approach - 107 Princewood Rd
- 17. Non-Conforming Approach - 115 West Gate
- 18. Plan Approval - 995 and 999 Corydon Avenue
- 19. Plan Approval - 495 Lindenwood Drive East
- 1. Closing - public lane at the rear of 905 Portage Avenue - DAC 9/2005
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1845 Mathers Avenue - DAZ 210/2005
- 3. Conditional Use - 1845 Mathers Avenue - DCU 121631/2005D
- 4. Variance - 1845 Mathers Avenue - DAV 111112/2005D
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1390 Grant Avenue - DASZ 15/2005
- 6. Variance - 1390 Grant Avenue - DAV 117938/2005D