Regular Meeting - July 20, 2005
- 1. Mike Davidson, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 500
- 2. Al Mackling
- 3. Carolyn Garlich
- 4. Diane Bampton, General Manager, CentreVenture Development Corporation (See Item 3, Report of the Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated April 4, 2005)
- 5. David M. Sanders, Deloitte and Touche Ltd (See Report 1)
- 6. Councillor Benham, River Heights - Fort Garry Ward
- 7. Councillor Gerbasi, Fort Rouge - East Fort Garry Ward (See Item 1, Report of the Alternate Service Delivery Committee dated May 17, 2005)
- 8. Councillor Wyatt, Transcona Ward (See Item 6 - Addendum Reports)
- 9. Barry Rempel, President and CEO, and Bob Edgar, Senior Vice President, Winnipeg Airport Authority (See Item 20, Report of the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated July 18, 2005)
- 1. Final Report of the Mayor's Red Tape Commission
- 2. Request to Province of Manitoba for increased funding for Handi-Transit Service
- 3. Review of the Insect Control Strategy
- 4. Exchange District Business Improvement Zone - Land Dedication Reserve
- 5. Award of Contract for the Provision of Dark Fibre Services - Bid Opportunity No. 132
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services dated July 11, 2005
Standing Policy Committee on Public Works dated July 12, 2005
- 1. Award of Contract - Lease of an Asphalt Paver
- 2. Reporting the operation of pumping stations to the public
- 3. Local Improvement Projects to be funded and constructed in 2005 - Irving Place
- 4. Local Improvement Projects to be funded and constructed in 2005 and 2006 - Assiniboia, East Kildonan-Transcona and Riel Communities
- Standing Committee on Fiscal Issues dated July 12, 2005
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated April 4, 2005
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated July 5, 2005
- 1. Historical Buildings By-law No. 1474/77 - 440-442 Assiniboine Avenue - Chelsea Court Apartments
- 2. Amendments to Planning, Development and Building Fees By-law No. 166/2004
- 3. Waiver of Development Application Fees - Just a Second Store
- 4. Street Opening - Wihuri Road - DAO 2/2004
- 5. Street Closing - Public lane adjacent to 145 Emerson Avenue - DAC 8/2005
- 6. Lane Closing - rear of 905 Portage Avenue - DAC 9/2005
- 7. Street and Lane Closing - part of Barnes Street and the public lane west of Barnes Street between Comdale Avenue and Colebrook Drive - DAC 10/2005
- 8. Rezoning - 1596/1600 Ness Avenue - DAZ 201/2005
- 9. Rezoning - 1845 Mathers Avenue - DAZ 210/2005
- 10. Rezoning - west side Lagimodiere Boulevard, north side of Leveque Street, east side of Dawson Road - DAZ 215/2005 [c/r DAOC 2/2005]
- 11. Opening and Closing - parts of Lagimodiere Boulevard and Dawson Road - DAOC 2/2005 [c/r DAZ 215/2005]
- 12. Subdivision and Rezoning - 111 Eastcote Drive and adjoining public reserve - DASZ 31/2004
- 13. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2335 and 2345 St. Mary's Road - DASZ 47/2004
- 14. Subdivision and Rezoning - 321 and 345 avenue de la Cathedrale - DASZ 6/2005
- 15. Subdivision and Rezoning - north extension of Brittany Drive - DASZ 8/2005
- 16. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1390 Grant Avenue - DASZ 15/2005
- 17. Subdivision and Rezoning - land located on the north side of Rougeau Avenue east of the CNR tracks - DASZ 17/2005
- 18. Subdivision and Rezoning - 2106/2120 Portage Avenue - DASZ 22/2005
- 19. Amendment to X-Rated Store Zoning By-Law No. 6087/93
- 20. Encroachment Agreement - 131 Provencher Holdings Ltd. for Parking Purposes at Centreville - Encroaching onto the rue Dumoulin Right-Of-Way
- 21. Sale of a Portion of the public lane south of River Avenue between Scott and Bryce Streets - Vincent Nocita Construction Co. Ltd.
- 22. Sale of City-owned lands - northeast corner of Logan Avenue and King Edward Street
- 23. Sale of City-owned Lands adjoining 468 St. Anne's Road - Sobering Investments Inc.
- 24. Encroachment Agreement - Devon Estates Ltd. for Parking Purposes - Public Drain Plan 9191, 1415 Henderson Highway
- 25. Sale of a Portion of Lagimodi?re Boulevard south of Almey Avenue
- 26. Sale and Exchange - part of Barnes Street (Proposed to be Closed) for Land Owned by Fairfield Properties Ltd. - southwest corner of Comdale Avenue and Shore Street
- 27. Sale/Lease - Portion of Kenaston Boulevard at Lindenwoods Drive East - Hopewell Development Corporation
- 28. Application Process for Establishment of Outdoor Patios within Street Right-of-Way and Rental Rate Structure
- 29. The City's Acceptance of an Ecological Gift of Natural Lands along the LaSalle River
ADDENDUM Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated July 18, 2005
- 1. Subdivision and Rezoning - east of Main Street, south of Commonwealth Avenue [Greenview Homes (Manitoba) Ltd.]
- 2. Subdivision and Rezoning - east side Main Street, north and south of Commonwealth Avenue (Coral-Reef Holdings Ltd.)
- 3. Lease Agreement - Nijimahkwa School
- 4. Amendment to Development Agreement 15/95 and Installation of a Pedestrian Corridor at 1970 Henderson Highway (Kildonan Personal Care Home) - DASZ 15/95
- 5. Amendment to the Approval of DASZ 12/2003 (Paul Martin Drive) - DASZ 12/2003
- 6. Street Closing - part Ebby Avenue east of Pembina Highway - DAC 13/2005
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 586 Ellice Avenue, 457 and 459 Sherbrook Street - DASZ 23/2005 [DAC 16/2005]
- 8. Closing - part of the public lane east of Sherbrook Street, south of Ellice Avenue - DAC 16/2005 [c/r DASZ 23/2005]
- 9. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 484 Wellington Crescent - ZAA 2/2005 [c/r DAZ 203/92]
- 10. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 905 Waverley Street - ZAA 6/2005 [c/r DASZ 18A/84]
- 11. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 596 Burnell Street - ZAA 7/2005 [c/r DAZ 238/85]
- 12. Rezoning - 710 Warsaw Avenue - DAZ 266/2004
- 13. Rezoning - 1291 McGillivray Boulevard - DAZ 218/2005
- 14. Rezoning - 135 Bannerman Avenue - DAZ 228/2005
- 15. Subdivision and Rezoning - 444 Grassie Boulevard - DASZ 21/2005
- 16. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1 Flora Place - DASZ 24/2005 [c/r DAZ 232/2005]
- 17. Rezoning - west side of Sinclair Street, south of Selkirk Avenue - DAZ 232/2005 [c/r DASZ 24/2005]
- 18. Construction - Use of Temporary Structures on The Forks Rail Bridge - Charter Requirement for By-Law
- 19. Transcona Yards Secondary Plan
- 20. Encroachment - Storm Water Relief Forcemain - Wellington Avenue - Winnipeg Airports Authority Inc
- Alternate Service Delivery Committee dated May 17, 2005
- ADDENDUM Alternate Service Delivery Committee dated July 18, 2005