Regular Meeting - September 6, 2005
- 1. Stanley Walter Dychko (See Report 1)
- 2. A. J. Mutsune, Image Coordinator, Spence Neighbourhood Association (See Report 2)
- 1. Appeal - Derelict Vehicles By-law No. 41/2005 - 3074 St. Mary's Road
- 2. Green Plan - Five Year Strategy - Spence Neighbourhood Association
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Canada World Youth
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Beverley Street Garage Sale
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Arlington Block Party
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Cale Smith
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Dragon and Lion Dance International
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Garfield Street Block Party
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Graffiti Art Programming Inc
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Lipenos Basketball League
- 12. Per Capita Grant - Manitoba Somali Association
- 13. Per Capita Grant - Osborne Village Foot Patrol
- 14. Per Capita Grant - Philippine Association of Manitoba Inc
- 15. Per Capita Grant - Casa Do Minho Portuguese Centre
- 16. Per Capita Grant - The West Central Women's Resource Centre
- 17. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Wildcats Baseball
- 18. Community Incentive Grant - Spence Neighbourhood Association Inc.
- 19. Community Incentive Grant - River Heights Community Centre Neighbourhood Association Inc.
- 20. Garden Plots
- 21. Plan Approval - 873-875 Waverley Street
- 22. Plan Approval - 1851 Grant Avenue (Unit 22)
- 23. Non-Conforming Approach - 5 East Gate
- 24. Non-Conforming Approach - 34 Edmond Muys Place
- 25. Non-Conforming Approach - 3 Ocean Ridge Drive
- 1. License - 579 Portage Avenue - Unit 2 - LA 134934/2005
- 2. License - 306 Notre Dame Avenue - LA 136399/2005
- 3. Opening and Closing - part of Brockville Street at Sterling Lyon Parkway - DAOC 4/2005
- 4. Rezoning - vacant land north of Forestgate Avenue, west of Lindenwood Drive, West - DAZ 230/2005
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 635 Pembina Highway - DASZ 26/2005 [c/r DAV 135431/2005D and DCU 135422/2005D]
- 6. Conditional Use - 635 Pembina Highway - DCU 135422/2005D [c/r DASZ 26/2005 and DAV 135431/2005D]
- 7. Variance - 635 Pembina Highway - DAV 135431/2005D [c/r DASZ 26/2005 and DCU 135422/2005D]
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 390 Burnell Street - DASZ 38/2005 [c/r DAV 142434/2005D and DCU 142443/2005D]
- 9. Conditional Use -390 Burnell Street - DCU 142443/2005D [c/r DASZ 38/2005 and DAV 142434/2005D]
- 10. Variance - 390 Burnell Street - DAV 142434/2005D [c/r DASZ 38/2005 and DCU 142443/2205D]