Regular Meeting - October 12, 2005
- 1. Plan Winnipeg Amendment - 50 and 56 Dunkirk Drive
2. Subdivision and Rezoning - 50 and 56 Dunkirk Drive - DASZ 16/2005
- Exhibit 1 - Application
- Exhibit 2 - Advertising Notice
- Exhibit 3a - Certificates of Title
- Exhibit 3a - Certificates of Title (continued)
- Exhibit 3b - Title Searches
- Exhibit 4 - Surveyors Building Location Certificate
- Exhibit 5 - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 6 - Site Plans
- Exhibit 7 - Drawings of Property
- Exhibit 8 - Plans
- Exhibit 8 - Plans (continued)
- Exhibit 9 - Admin Report
3. Variance - 50 and 56 Dunkirk Drive - DAV 129773/2005D
- Exhibit 1 - Application
- Exhibit 2 - Notification of Public Hearing
- Exhibit 3a - Title Searches
- Exhibit 3b - Certificate of Titles
- Exhibit 3b - Certificate of Titles (continued)
- Exhibit 4 - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 5 - Confirmation of Posting
- Exhibit 6 - Misc. Plans
- Exhibit 7a - Plans
- Exhibit 7b - Plans
- Exhibit 7c - Plans
- Exhibit 8 - Admin Report
- 1. Citizen Equity Committee - Transit Department's Post-Secondary Monthly Bus Pass Program
- 2. Citizen Equity Committee - Provincial Government Representative
- 3. Citizen Equity Committee - Citizen Member Resignation
- 4. Civic Environmental Committee - Proposed Development - Assiniboine Park Zoo South End Parking Lot
- 5. Civic Environmental Committee - Fourth Municipal Leaders Summit on Climate Change
- 6. Civic Environmental Committee - Environmental Coordinator's Monthly Report
- 7. Civic Environmental Committee - Reduction in the Consumption of Non-Renewable Fossil Fuels