Regular Meeting - November 8, 2005
- 1. Inspector Shelley Hart, Division No. 13
- 2. William Joss (See Report 1)
- 3. William J. Johnston (See Report 2)
- 4. George Vanderlip, President, Northwood Community Centre
- (See Report 6)
- 5. George Vanderlip, President, Northwood Community Centre
- (See Report 7)
- 1. Appeal - Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No. 4903/88 - 388 Church Avenue
- 2. Appeal - Derelict Vehicle By-law No. 41/2005 - 567 Bannerman Avenue
- 3. Appointment to the Secretariat Committee
- 4. 2006 Schedule of Meetings - Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Community Committee
- 5. Seven Oaks House Museum Board Minutes
- 6. Community Incentive Grant - Northwood Community Centre (Hockey Player's Box Project)
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - Northwood Community Centre (Storage Shed Upgrades Project)
- 8. Carruthers Avenue between Sinclair and Airlies Streets - Traffic Concerns
- 9. Non-Conforming Approach - 123 Newton Avenue
- 10. Non-Conforming Approach - 3 Tessler Bay
- 1. License - 185 Isabel Street - LA 161003/2005
- 2. Rezoning - 183/189 Euclid Avenue - DAZ 246/2005 [c/r DAV 149971/2005D]
- 3. Variance - 183/189 Euclid Avenue - DAV 149971/2005D [c/r DAZ 246/2005]
- 4. Rezoning - 433 Atlantic Avenue - DAZ 248/2005 [c/r DCU 149540/2005D]
- 5. Conditional Use - 433 Atlantic Avenue - DCU 149540/2005D [c/r DAZ 248/2005]
- 6. Rezoning - 206 McGregor Street - DAZ 250/2005 [c/r DAV 159782/2005D]
- 7. Variance - 206 McGregor Street - DAV 159782 2005D [c/r DAZ 250/2005]