Regular Meeting - November 1, 2005
- 369. 2006 Schedule of Meetings - East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee
- 370. Per Capita Grant - Phoenix U 16 Boys Provincial Champions
- 371. Per Capita Grant - Afro-Caribbean Association of Manitoba Inc
- 372. Per Capita Grant - Manitobans for German Language Education (MGLE) Inc
- 373. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Child and Family Services
- 374. Amendment - Subdivision and rezoning on land located on the west side of DeVries Avenue between Knowles and Bonner Avenues - DASZ 20/2004
- 375. Plan Approval - 1211 - 1243 Kildare Avenue East - DASZ 7/2004
- 376. Plan Approval - 1950 Henderson Highway - DASZ 15/95
- 377. Plan Approval - 380 Brazier Street - DASZ 251/2004
- 378. Trent Avenue Closure
- 379. Amendment to the Snow Emergency By-law No. 6548/95 - Dobbie Avenue
- 380. Non-Conforming Approach - 158 Golden Eagle Drive
- 381. Per Capita Grant - Share Christmas
- 382. Per Capita Grant - East Winnipeg Sports Association Inc.
- 383. Per Capita Grant - Rotary Club of Winnipeg East A.M.
- 384. Proposed Removal of School Tax Levies
- 385. Widening of Plessis Road from Victoria Avenue to Gunn Road
- 386. Paving of Gunn Road and Redonda Street
- 387. Ravelston Avenue Concerns
- 388. Plan Approval - 104 Redonda Street
- 389. Plan Approval - 845 Regent Avenue West
- 390. Plan Approval - 1155 / 1191 Rothesay (410 Kingsford Avenue)
- 391. Plan Approval - 399 Ravenhurst Street
- 392. Conditional Use - 1123 Gateway Road - DCU 339198/2004D [c/r DASZ 48/2004, DAV 339196/2004D]
- 393. License - 398 Edison Avenue B - LA 144304/2005
- 394. Opening and Closing - Opening of parts of Gateway Road, the public lane adjacent to 562 Trent Avenue, the public lane adjacent to 545 Watt Street, Springfield Road and Sun Valley Drive, closing of part of Trent Avenue - DAOC 3/2005
395. Transcona Yards Industrial Neighbourhood Area Redevelopment Plan - SP 2/2005
- Exhibit 1 - Council Decision
- Exhibit 1b - Transcona Yards Area Redevelopment Plan
- Exhibit 2 - By-law No. 141 2005
- Exhibit 3 - Notification of Public Hearing
- Exhibit 4 - Admin Report
- Exhibit 5 -Communication
- Exhibit 6 - Supplementary Admin Report
- Exhibit 7 - Revised Transcona Yards Area Redevelopment Plan
- 396. Closing of Part of Ravelston Avenue West at Lagimodiere Boulevard - DAC 21/2005
397. Secondary Plan Amendment - 647/649/653/655 Henderson Highway - SPA 1/2005 [c/r DASZ 25/2005, DAV 137528/2005D
- Exhibit 1 - Application
- Exhibit 2 - Council Decision
- Exhibit 3 - By-law No. 163 2005
- Exhibit 4 - Notification of Public Hearing
- Exhibit 5 - Manitoba Status of Titles
- Exhibit 6 - Surveyors Bldg Location Certificate
- Exhibit 7 - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 8 - Plans by HDS Technical Consultants
- Exhibit 9 - Plans
- Exhibit 10 - HH Corridor Secondary Plan By-law No. 3215 1982
- Exhibit 11 - Admin Report
- Exhibit 12 - Communication
- Exhibit 13 - Presentation
- Exhibit 14 - Petition
- 398. Subdivision and Rezoning - 647/649/653/655 Henderson Highway - DASZ 25/2005 [c/r DAV 137528/2005D, SPA 1/2005]
- 399. Variance - 647/649/653/655 Henderson Highway - DAV 137528/2005D [c/r SPA 1/005, DASZ 25/2005