Regular Meeting - November 22, 2005
- 1. Syed Hasee Buddin, Manitoba Islamic Association (MIA) (See Minute 10)
- 2. David Danyluk, Coordinator, Save Our Seine Environment Inc. (See Minute 9)
- 3. 2006 Schedule of Meetings - Riel Community Committee
- 4. Appointment to Secretariat Committee
- 5. Carol Shields Memorial Labyrinth Project - Land Dedication Reserve
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Arthur A. Leach Junior High School - Travis Hrubeniuk
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Library Foundation Inc
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Niakwa Towers
- 9. Request for Funding - Save Our Seine River Environment Inc
- 10. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Islamic Association
- 11. Proposed plan of subdivision on land located at 1922 St. Mary's Road
- 12. Addition to the Riel Reserve Street Name List - 'McKinnon'
- 13. Signed Mid-Block Pedestrian Crosswalks across Dakota Street
- 14. Speed Limit on St. Mary's Road between a point 100 metres south of Britannica Road and a point 250 metres south of P.T.H. No. 100
- 15. Request for Waiver of Development Application and Building Permit Fees - The Planning, Development and Building Fees By-law No. 166/2004 - 164, rue Marion
- 16. Opening - Turnaround area to be dedicated as Snow Street
- 17. Per Capita Grant - University of Manitoba Political Studies Students' Conference
- 18. Per Capita Grant - St. Vital Victorias AA Midget Hockey Team
- 19. Per Capita Grant - Group'Action St. Norbert
- 20. Plan Approval - 726 St. Anne's Road - Building J
- 21. Plan Approval - 726 St. Anne's Road - Building G
- 22. Plan Approval - 434 St. Anne's Road
- 23. License - 83B St. Anne's Road - LA 161103/2005
- 24. License - 730 St. Anne's Road - LA 160615/2005
- 25. Closing - part of the northwest corner of Shore Street and Comdale Avenue - DAC 24/2005
- 26. Secondary Plan Amendment - north of Provencher Boulevard East and south of Red River, west of Archibald Street - SPA 4/2005)
27. Secondary Plan Amendment - 768 Tach? Avenue - SPA 5/2005 [c/r DASZ 46/2005, DAV 162849/2005D]
- Exhibit 1 - Application
- Exhibit 2 - Manitoba Status of Title
- Exhibit 3a - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 3b - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 4 - Plan
- Exhibit 5 - Council Minutes
- Exhibit 6 - By-law No. 180
- Exhibit 7 - Notification of Public Hearing
- Exhibit 8 - Admin Report
- Exhibit 9 - Communication - Burke
- Exhibit 10 - Communication - Dorge
- Exhibit 11 - Communication - Lockerby
- Exhibit 12 - Presentation - Carruthers
- Exhibit 13 - Presentation - Plans - Carruthers
- Exhibit 14 - Presentation - DeGagne
- 28. Subdivision and Rezoning - 768 Tach? Avenue - DASZ 46/2005 [c/r SPA 5/2005, DAV 162849/2005D]
- 29. Variance - 768 Tach? Avenue - DAV 162849/2005D [c/r SPA 5/2005, DASZ 46/2005]
30. Secondary Plan Amendment - 158-160 Dumoulin Street - SPA 6/2005 [c/r DAZ 251/2005, DAV 160425/2005D and DEMO 160429/2005]
- Exhibit 1 - Application
- Exhibit 2 - Manitoba Status of Title
- Exhibit 3a - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 3b - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 3c - Letter of Authorization
- Exhibit 4 - Plan
- Exhibit 5 - Council Minutes
- Exhibit 6 - By-law No. 181
- Exhibit 7 - Notification of Public Hearing
- Exhibit 8 - Admin Report
- Exhibit 9 - Plan
- 31. Rezoning - 158-160 Dumoulin Street - DAZ 251/2005 [c/r SPA 6/2005, DAV 160425/2005D and DEMO 160429/2005]
- 32. Variance - 158 Dumoulin Street - DAV 160425/2005D [c/r SPA 6/2005, DAZ 251/2005 and DEMO 160429/2005]
- 33. Demolition - 158-160 Dumoulin Street - DEMO 160429/2005 [c/r SPA 6/2005, DAZ 251/2005 and DAV 160425/2005D]
- 34. Subdivision and Rezoning - 138 Aubert Street - DASZ 48/2005 [c/r DAV 163833/2005D]
- 35. Variance - 138 Aubert Street - DAV 163833/2005D [c/r DASZ 48/2005]
- 36. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 15 Jean Louis Road - ZAA 13/2005
- 37. Rezoning - 850 John Bruce Road East - DAZ 249/2005
- 38. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1167 St. Anne's Road - DASZ 41/2005
- 39. Rezoning - 244 Dalhousie Drive - DAZ 252/2005 [c/r DAV 163053/2005D]
- 40. Variance - 244 Dalhousie Drive - DAV 163053/2005D [c/r DAZ 252/2005]