Regular Meeting - February 28, 2006
- 1. Brenda Kaminski (See Report 9)
- 2. Derrick Martens, Program Coordinator, Project Peacemakers: Mayors for Peace (See Report 7)
- 3. Richard Page, Community Safety Initiatives Co-ordinator, Spence Neighbourhood Association (See Report 1)
- 1. Garbage Pickup - Spence Neighbourhood
- 2. Extension of Hours - Osborne Village Business Improvement Zone - Canada Day Street Festival
- 3. Occasional Liquor Permit - Crescentwood Community Centre 61st Annual Winter Carnival
- 4. South Osborne Underpass Area Beautification Project - Land Dedication Reserve
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Brock Street Block Party
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Fort Rouge School Parent Advisory Council
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Project Peacemakers: Mayors for Peace
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Wildwood Community Centre
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Wild Strawberry Children's Centre
- 10. Naming of Park - Edward (Teddy) Owen Jones
- 11. Loading Zone and Sidewalk Repair- 433 River Avenue
- 12. Recreation Programming Reserve - City Centre Community Centres' Board
- 1. License - 1 Portage Avenue East - LA 109533/2006
- 2. License - 300 Portage Avenue - LA 110082/2006
- 3. License - 603 Corydon Avenue - LA 166849/2005
- 4. Rezoning - 183 River Avenue - DAZ 207/2006 [c/r DAV 109681/2006D]
- 5. Variance - 183 River Avenue - DAV 109618/2006D [c/r DAZ 207/2006]
- 6. Rezoning - 668 Jessie Avenue - DAZ 265/2005 [c/r DAV 108609/2006D]
- 7. Variance - 668 Jessie Avenue - DAV 108609/2006D [c/r DAZ 265/2005]