Regular Meeting - April 25, 2006
- 1. Dawn DeGagn?, Project Manager, ?cole Guyot Parent Advisory Council (See Report 5)
- 2. Danny Saunders, Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports Inc. (MODS) (See Report 7)
- 1. Per Capita Grant - CancerCare Manitoba Foundation
- 2. Per Capita Grant - Diane Coss
- 3. Per Capita Grant - The Winnipeg Patrolmen Hockey Club
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - Springs Christian Academy Parent Advisory Group
- 5. Community Incentive Grant - ?cole Guyot Parent Advisory Council
- 6. Community Incentive Grant - ?cole St. Germain Parent Advisory Council
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports Inc. (MODS)
- 8. Historical Buildings By-law No. 1474/77 - 780 Marion Street Union Stock Yards Complex
- 9. All-Way Stop Control in Island Lakes
- 10. St. Vital Road / River Road Traffic Concerns
- 1. Closing - Public Walk in Block 1, Plan 42016 - River Valley Drive - DAC 2/2006
- 2. Closing - Part of Shore Street at Comdale Avenue - DAC 5/2006
- 3. Closing - part of the public lane in the block bounded by rues Aubert, St. Joseph and La Verendrye and avenue Tache - DAC 6/2006
- 4. Subdivision and Rezoning - 80, 90 & 100 King's Drive - DASZ 55/2005