Regular Meeting - November 14, 2006
- 1. Ginger Oakley, Chair, Windsor School Enhancement Program (See Minute 8)
- 2. Pete Williams, President, Norwood Bowling Club (See Minute 5)
- 3. Appointment to the Secretariat Committee
- 4. 2007 Schedule of Meetings - Riel Community Committee
- 5. Norwood Lawn Bowling Club
- 6. Community Incentive Grant - ?cole Julie-Riel Parents' Association
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - Glenwood Community Centre
- 8. Community Incentive Grant - Windsor School Enhancement Committee
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Winnipeg Condo Corporation #517
- 10. Riel Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Budnik'
- 11. Riel Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of Street Names for use in the Waverley West Subdivision
- 12. Riel Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Names 'Marine Drive Yachts Cove, Hedgewood Cove, Marvan Cove, Mardena Crescent and Van Hull Way'
- 13. St. Vital Road / River Road Traffic Concerns
- 14. All-Way Stop Control in Island Lakes
- 15. Non-Conforming Approach - 26 Grover Hills Lane
- 16. Non-Conforming Approach - 610 Pasadena Avenue
- 17. Non-Conforming Approach - 165 Greenwood Avenue
- 18. Per Capita Grant - Sundial Crescent
- 19. Per Capita Grant - Team Manitoba Ringette
- 20. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg South Seniors Village
- 21. La Salle River Revegetation and Planting of Appropriate Wetland and River Bottom Forest Native Plants Project - Land Dedication Reserve
- 22. Rezoning - 204 Masson Street - DAZ 225/2005 [c/r DAV 129720/2005D]
- 23. Variance - 204 Masson Street - DAV 129720/2005D [c/r DAZ 225/2005]
- 24. License - Unit 150 - 166 Meadowood Drive - LA 138028/2006
- 25. Subdivision and Rezoning - North of Warde Avenue, west of St. Mary's Road - DASZ 16/2006 [c/r DAV 123235/2006D]
- 26. Variance - 1994 St. Mary's Road - DAV 123235/2006D [c/r DASZ 16/2006]
- 27. Closing - Part of Shore Street for incorporation into DASZ 29/2006 - DAC 17/2006
- 28. Subdivision and Rezoning - 40 and 60 Shore Street - DASZ 29/2006
29. Waverley West Northeast Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - SP 5/2005
- Exhibit 1 - Council Decision
- Exhibit 2 - By-law No. 210 2006 1st Rdg Only - Sept 27
- Exhibit 3 - Advertising Notice
- Exhibit 5 - Presentation - McNairnay
- Exhibit 6 - Presentation - ND Lea Inc
- Exhibit 7 - Presentation - Pembina Trails School Division
- Exhibit 8 - Presentation - Simons
- Exhibit 9 - Presentation - Watson
- Exhibit 10 - Presentation - Hunt
- Exhibit 11 - Communication - Manitoba Home Builders
- Exhibit 12 - Communication - Planners Network Manitoba
- 30. Subdivision and Rezoning - Lands west of Waverley Street to Kenaston Boulevard between Bishop Grandin Boulevard and Cadboro Road File DASZ 1/2006 [c/r DAV 113824/2006D]
- 31. Variance - Lands west of Waverley Street to Kenaston Boulevard between Bishop Grandin Boulevard and Cadboro Road - DAV 113824/2006D [c/r DASZ 1/2006]