Regular Meeting - January 30, 2007
- 1. Karen Jones, West End Horticultural Society REPORTS
- 1. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the City Centre Library Advisory Committee
- 2. Per Capita Grant - Downtown Business Improvement Zone Alive 2007 Annual Gala
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Robert A. Steen Community Centre
- 4. Per Capita Grant - University of Winnipeg Spring Pow-Wow
- 5. Per Capita Grant - The Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film Society
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Shoestring Players
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Golden Lions of Winnipeg
- 8. Cindy Klassen Recreation Complex
- 9. Occasional Liquor Permit - Robert A. Steen Community Centre Carnival
- 10. Non-Conforming Approach - 11 Powder Ridge Drive
- 11. Result of a Petition for a Proposed Local Improvement
- 12. Extension of sidewalk - Osborne Street
- 13. Petition - St. Matthews Street
- 14. Widening - public road south of Pembina Highway opposite Plaza Drive
- 15. Per Capita Grant - Fort Garry Women's Resource Centre
- 16. Community Incentive Grant - Friends of Sherbrook Pool
- 17. Per Capita Grant - Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (Power Up Together!)
- 18. Extension of Hours - Osborne Village Business Improvement Zone Canada Day Street Festival
- 19. Community Incentive Grant - Fort Garry Lions Football Club
- 20. "Paths for People Downtown" proposal - West Broadway Horticultural Society
- 1. License - Unit 101 - 500 Portage Avenue - LA 148638/2006
- 2. Rezoning - 524 Walker Avenue - DAZ 244/2006 [c/r DAV 160228/2006D]
- 3. Variance - 524 Walker Avenue - DAV 160228/2006D [c/r DAZ 244/0226]
- 4. Rezoning - 911 / 913 Corydon Avenue - DAZ 246/2006 [c/r DAV 163941/2006D]
- 5. Variance - 911 / 913 Corydon Avenue - DAV 163941/2006D [c/r DAZ 246/2006]
- 6. Rezoning - 948 Sargent Avenue - DAZ 248/2006 [c/r DAV 161308/2006D]
- 7. Variance - 948 Sargent Avenue - DAV 161308/2006D [c/r DAZ 248/2006]
- 8. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1530 Grant Avenue - DASZ 45/2006 [c/r DAV 158998/2006D, DCU 158991/2006D]
- 9. Conditional Use - 1530 Grant Avenue - DCU 158991/2006D [c/r DASZ 45/2006, DAV 158991/2006D]
- 10. Variance - 1530 Grant Avenue - DAV 158998/2006D [c/r DASZ 45/2006, DCU 158991/2006D]
- 11. Subdivision and Rezoning- 315 McGee Street - DASZ 47/2006 [c/r DAV 160578/2006D]
- 12. Variance - 315 McGee Street - DAV 160578/2006D [c/r DASZ 47/2006]