Regular Meeting - February 13, 2007
- 100. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the Riel Library Advisory Committee
- 101. Occasional Liquor Permit - Norberry-Glenlee Community Centre Winter Carnival - Glenlee Site
- 102. Occasional Liquor Permit - Norberry-Glenlee Community Centre Winter Carnival - Norberry Site
- 103. Per Capita Grant - Bairdmore Advisory Council
- 104. Per Capita Grant - CancerCare Manitoba Foundation
- 105. Per Capita Grant - Herb Rous Memorial Hockey Tournament
- 106. Per Capita Grant - St. Norbert Immersion
- 107. Per Capita Grant - St. Vital Historical Society Inc
- 108. Community Incentive Grant - Fort Garry Lions Football Club
- 109. Community Incentive Grant - Le P'tit Bonheur Inc
- 110. Riel Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'John Yuzyk'
- 111. Riel Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Keith Morley'
- 112. Reserved Street Name List for Riel Community Area
- 113. Local Improvement Projects to be funded and constructed in 2007
- 114. Speed Limit Signs in Island Lake
- 115. Occasional Liquor Permit - Windsor Community Centre Winter Carnival
- 116. Per Capita Grant - Parkinson Society Manitoba
- 117. Per Capita Grant - Club d'escalade de St. Boniface
- 118. Plan Approval - 1046 St. Mary's Road
- 119. License - 311 Kenny Street - LA 163129/2006
- 120. Excess Animal Permit - 52 Hull Avenue - PA 180/2006
- 121. Demolition - 176 St. Mary's Road - DEMO 107963/2007
- 122. Closing of Part of Maralbo Avenue West - DAC 19/2006
- 123. Rezoning - 1599 St. Mary's Road - DAZ 245/2006 [c/r DCU 161528/2006D and DAV 161502/2006D]
- 124. Closing of the public lane adjacent to No. 519 St. Catherine Street
- 125. Rezoning - Southwest corner Pembina Highway and Grandmont Boulevard - DAZ 250/2006 [c/r DCU 164669/2006D]
- 126. Conditional Use - Southwest corner Pembina Highway and Grandmont Boulevard - DCU 164669/2006D [c/r DAZ 150/2006]
- 127. Rezoning - 622 - 626 St. Mary's Road - DAZ 200/2007 [c/r DAV 109400/2007D]
- 128. Variance - 622 - 626 St. Mary's Road - DAV 109400/2007D [c/r DAZ 200/2007]
- 129. Subdivision and Rezoning - 525 Christie Road - DASZ 54/2006 [c/r DAV 165027/2006D]
- 130. Variance - 525 Christie Road - DAV 165027/2006D [c/r DASZ 54/2006]
- 131. Subdivision and Rezoning - Lands west of Waverley Street to Kenaston Boulevard between Bishop Grandin Boulevard and Cadboro Road - DASZ 1/2007 [c/r DAV 108661/2007D]
- 132. Variance - Lands west of WaverleyStreet to Kenaston Boulevard between Bishop Grandin Boulevard and Cadboro Road - DAV 108661/2007D [c/r DASZ 1/2007]
- 133. Subdivision and Rezoning - 849 - 855 Elizabeth Road - DASZ 2/2007 [c/r DAV 109847/2007]
- 134. Variance - 849-855 Elizabeth Road - DAV 109847/2007 [c/r DASZ 2/2007]
- 135. Subdivision - 212 Halparin Drive - DAS 48/2006 [c/r DAV 162961/2006D]
- 136. Variance - 212 Halparin Drive - DAV 162961/2006D [c/r DAS 48/2006]
- 137. Subdivision and Rezoning - 186 Bairdmore Boulevard - DASZ 50/2006