Regular Meeting - March 19, 2007
- 92 Karen Jones, West Broadway Horticultural Society (See Minute 95)
- 93. Don English, Bike to the Future, and Anders Swanson, One Green City (See Minute 107)
- 94. Appeal - Derelict Vehicles By-law No. 41/2005 - 377 Ottawa Avenue
- 95. Paths for People Downtown Proposal - West Broadway Horticultural Society
- 96. Community Groups Occupying City-owned Facilities By-law No. 89/2005 - Good Neighbours Senior Centre Inc., Millennium Gardens land
- 97. Per Capita Grant - Good Neighbours Senior Centre
- 98. Per Capita Grant - Lord Selkirk School Garden Club
- 99. Per Capita Grant - Parent Information Day Planning Committee - Lord Wolseley School
- 100. Per Capita Grant - Transcona Garden Club
- 101. Per Capita Grant - Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival Inc.
- 102. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name "Hugh Chudley"
- 103. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name "Cable"
- 104. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name "Harry Fuller"
- 105. Community Incentive Grant - Wayoata School Community Council
- 106. Intersection at Henderson Highway and Johnson Avenue West
- 107. Extending the development of the Marconi Trail to The Forks
- 108. Local Improvement Projects to be funded and constructed in 2007
- 109. Per Capita Grant - Beautify Elmwood Committee
- 110. Intersection at Rowandale/McLeod Avenues at Henderson Highway
- 111. Walkway Redevelopment - Land Dedication Reserve
- 112. Plan Approval - 123 Reenders Drive - Building Facade
- 113. Plan Approval - 123 Reenders Drive - Fencing and Landscaping