Regular Meeting - April 24, 2007
- 1 Inspector Tom Kloczko, Winnipeg Police Service, Division No. 13
- 2. James Fielding, Chairperson, Seven Oaks House Museum Board (See Report 2)
- 3. Mardy Yager, Chair, and Ken Oswald, Member, Community Gardens Committee, of the Seven Oaks Neighbourhood Resource Network, and Wendy Singleton, Community Facilitator, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (See Report 20)
- 4. Belinda VandenBroeck and Lisa Hill, Wahbung Abinoonjiiag Inc. (See Report 18)
- 5. Susanne Williams, Executive Director, Eagle Wing Early Education Centre Inc., accompanied by Elaine Bishop, Vice-Chair, and Olive Wreggit, Member-at-Large, Sistars Community Economic Development Co-op Inc. (See Report 29)
- 6. Jim Chapryk, on behalf of North Winnipeg Parkway Group and The Friends of St. John's Park (See Report 34)
- 1. Seven Oaks House Museum Board - Citizen Member Appointment
- 2. Seven Oaks House Museum - Amendment to Operating Terms of Reference
- 3. Seven Oaks House Museum Board Minutes
- 4. Nominees to the Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Library Advisory Committee
- 5. Application for Citizen Member Appointment to the Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Library Advisory Committee
- 6. Occasional Liquor Permit - Jazz Winnipeg Festival
- 7. Occasional Liquor Permit - The 2007 Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival
- 8. Per Capita Grant - Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre
- 9. Per Capita Grant - Machray School (Grade 4 Arts Program)
- 10. Per Capita Grant - Machray School (Grade 6 Camp Assiniboia)
- 11. Per Capita Grant - Scholarships to Schools in the Point Douglas Ward
- 12. Per Capita Grant - Bleak House Centre
- 13. Per Capita Grant - St. Anne's Anglican Church
- 14. Per Capita Grant - Strathcona School
- 15. Per Capita Grant - St. Joseph's Residence Inc.
- 16. Per Capita Grant - Graffiti art Programming Inc.
- 17. Per Capita Grant -Winnipeg Harvest
- 18. Per Capita Grant - Wahbung Abinoonjiiag Inc.
- 19. Per Capita Grant - Burrows Central Residents Council
- 20. Per Capita Grant - Ukrainian Orthodox Summer Camp 'Veselka'
- 21. Per Capita Grant - Holy Ghost Church Boys and Girls Club
- 22. Per Capita Grant - Norquay School
- 23. Per Capita Grant - West Kildonan Collegiate Institute
- 24. Per Capita Grant - William Whyte Residents Association (William Whyte Clean Up Committee)
- 25. Per Capita Grant - Kaitlin Bourassa
- 26. Per Capita Grant - Gilbert Park Resource Center
- 27. Per Capita Grant - Steven Giron
- 28. Proposal of Community Gardens Committee of the Seven Oaks Neighbourhood Resource Network for a Community Garden project at Chochinov Bay Park
- 29. Community Incentive Grant - Eagle Wing Early Education Centre
- 30. Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Community Reserve Street Name List - Request for the approval of the Street Name 'Nancy Chase Allan'
- 31. Proposal for an Albert Street Pedestrian Mall between Bannatyne and McDermot Avenues
- 32. Request to remove loading zone in front of 104 King Street
- 33. Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation - Land Dedication Reserve
- 34. Planned Pathway under the Redwood Bridge
- 35. Occasional Liquor Permit - Those People Baseball Team
- 36. Plan Approval - 2370 Mc Phillips Street (Old Kildonan Ward)
- 37. Non-Conforming Approach - 124 Petriw Bay (Old Kildonan Ward)
- 1. Excess Animal Permit - 825 Atlantic Avenue - (Point Douglas Ward) - PA 178/2006
- 2. Closing - part of Riverstone Road at Fernbank Avenue (for incorporation into DASZ 43/2006) - (Old Kildonan Ward) - DAC 22/2006 [c/r DASZ 43/2006]
- 3. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southeast corner of Fernbank Avenue and Riverstone Road - (Old Kildonan Ward) - DASZ 43/2006 [c/r DAC 22/2006]
- 4. Closing - public lane south of Templeton Avenue, east of Tanner Street - (Mynarski Ward) - DAC 8/2007
- 5. Subdivision - land located south of Jefferson Avenue east of Brookside Boulevard - (Old Kildonan Ward) - DAS 9/2007
- 6. Rezoning - 633 McDermot Avenue - (Point Douglas Ward) - DAZ 204/2007 [c/r DAV 114367/2007D]
- 7. Variance - 633 McDermot Avenue - (Point Douglas Ward) - DAV 114367/2007D [c/r DAZ 204/2007]
- 8. Rezoning - 318 Anderson Avenue - (Mynarski Ward) - DAZ 205/2007 [c/r DAV 116307/2007D]
- 9. Variance - 318 Anderson Avenue - (Mynarski Ward) - DAV 116307/2007D [c/r DAZ 205/2007]