Regular Meeting - June 18, 2007
- 191. Michael Vogiatzakis, General Manager, and Andy Bunn, Assistant, Voyage Funeral Home and Crematorium (See Minute 211)
- 192. Marni Domolewski (See Minute 202)
- 193. Rob Campbell, President, and Glenn Singleton, General Manager, Rossmere Country Club
- Valerie Denesiuk
- (See Minute 203)
- 194. Dianne Wickenden, Chairperson, and Darlene Karp, Vice Chairperson, Millennium Gardens - River East (See Minute 217)
- 195. Ingrid Zacharias, Executive Director, Elmwood Community Resource Centre and Area Association (See Minute 218)
- 196. Ingrid Zacharias, Executive Director, Elmwood Community Resource Centre and Area Association (See Minute 219)
- 197. Valerie Denesiuk, East Kildonan Garden Club (See Minute 216)
- 198. Per Capita Grant - Neil Campbell Parent Advisory Council
- 199. Per Capita Grant - St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church Congregation
- 200. Per Capita Grant - The Youth Activist Retreat
- 201. Plan Approval - 1000 Pandora Avenue
- 202. Amendment to The Pound By-law No. 2443/79
- 203. Community Incentive Grant - Rossmere Country Club
- 204. Traffic Controls at Washington Avenue and Watt Street
- 205. Traffic Control at Springfield Road and Henderson Highway
- 206. Snow Windrows in the North/South Public Lane from Arby Bay to Springfield Road
- 207. Repairs to Sidewalk at the Northeast corner of Springfield Road and Henderson Highway
- 208. Sidewalk Renewals Budget
- 209. Request for Pedestrian Crosswalk on McLeod Avenue
- 210. Designated Cycle Lanes
- 211. Request for Change in "No Left Turn" Signage - Henderson Highway and Hespeler Avenue
- 212. Upgrades to Keenleyside Park - Land Dedication Reserve
- 213. Residential Parking Program
- 214. Stop Control at the intersection of St. Martin Avenue and Wynford Drive
- 215. Pedestrian Crosswalk - north of the Disraeli Bridge
- 216. Per Capita Grant - East Kildonan Garden Club
- 217. Community Incentive Grant - Millennium Gardens - River East
- 218. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood Community Resource Centre and Area Association
- 219. Recreation Programming Reserve - Elmwood Community Resource Centre and Area Association
- 220. Verbal Briefing - Chief Peguis Trail
- 221. Verbal Briefing - Disraeli Bridge
- 222. Outstanding Items List - East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee
- 223. East Kildonan-Transcona Reserve Street Name List - 'Walter Still Cove'
- 224. Plan Approval - 123 Reenders Drive
- 225. Plan Approval - 399 Ravenhurst Street
- 226. Plan Approval - 1486 Regent Avenue West
- 227. Rezoning - 393 Edison Avenue - DAZ 207/2007 [c/r DAV 117256/2007D]
- 228. Variance - 393 Edison Avenue - DAV 117256/2007D [c/r DAZ 207/2007]
- 229. Rezoning - 455 Edison Avenue - DAZ 211/2007
- 230. Subdivision and Rezoning - south side of Pandora Avenue West, east of Bournais Drive and Sims Crescent, west of 1000 Pandora Avenue West - DASZ 18/2007
- 231. Subdivision and Rezoning - southwest corner of Headmaster Row and DeVries Avenue - DASZ 15/2007