Regular Meeting - July 9, 2002
- 1. Request to name the Charleswood Bridge extension park area 'Tom Chester'
- 2. Per Capita Grant - St. James Horticultural Society
- 3. Community Incentive Grant - Sansome School Playground Committee
- 4. Community Incentive Grant - Athlone Community Playground Project
- 5. Proposed sale of Lots 6, 12 and 17, Block 3, Plan 11982 - east side Stockdale Street, south of City Avenue
- 6. Proposed plan of subdivision at land located at 85 Henlow Bay
- 7. Plan approval for pylon face replacement and new facia signs - 2025 Corydon Avenue
- 8. Plan approval for Building 'F' - 1659 Kenaston Boulevard
- 9. Plan approval for Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover Dealership - 3965 Portage Avenue
- 10. Plan approval for 52 unit, 3 storey seniors' apartment - 475 Lindenwood Drive East
- 11. Designation of Silver Avenue as a Regional Street, a Snow Route and a Full-Time Truck Route
- 12. Application for a non-conforming approach to 10 Kenneth Street requested by Alan Davison
- 13. Application for a non-conforming approach to 8 Bard Place requested by Chuck Chappell
- 14. Application for a non-conforming approach to 947 Somerville Avenue requested by A. B. Kathanan
- 15. Application for a non-conforming approach to 55 Ivorywood Cove requested by Mike Denhaan
- 16. Application for a non-conforming approach to 107 Leander Crescent requested by Brad Cull
- 17. Temporary Signs in Public Rights of Way