Regular Meeting - October 30, 2007
- 311. Per Capita Grant - Friends of the Winnipeg Public Library
- 312. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Pride Week, Inc.
- 313. Community Green Space at 546 Sherburn Street - Land Dedication Reserve
- 314. Non-Conforming Approach - 1027 Grosvenor Avenue
- 315. Lighted Crosswalk - Jubilee Avenue and Riverside Street
- 316. Occasional Liquor Permit - German Canadian Congress
- 317. Jubilee Avenue Crosswalks
- 318. Per Capita Grant - Broadway Neighbourhood Centre
- 319. Appeal - The Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No. 4905/88 - 506 Balmoral Street, Suite 3
- 320. Appeal - The Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No. 4905/88 - 506 Balmoral Street, Suite 8
- 321. License - 330 Ellice Avenue - LA 152141/2007
- 322. License - 913 Corydon Avenue - LA 153519/2007
- 323. Subdivision and Rezoning - Paget Street and Sterling Lyon Parkway - DASZ 35/2007
- 324. Subdivision and Rezoning - 791 Wall Street - DASZ 34/2007
- 325. Conditional Use - 791 Wall Street - DCU 148818/2007D
- 326. Variance - 791 Wall Street - DAV 148824/2007D