Regular Meeting - December 10, 2007
- 28. Gerry L. Ruchkall (See Minutes 53 and 54)
- 29. Per Capita Grant - Creative Retirement Manitoba
- 30. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Tennis Club
- 31. Per Capita Grant - 1957 Transcona Nationals
- 32. Per Capita Grant - Riverside Plaza Social Club
- 33. Per Capita Grant - Afro-Caribbean Association of Manitoba Inc
- 34. Per Capita Grant - Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps. Transcona - Transcona Branch Navy League Canada
- 35. Additional Funding Request - Community Incentive Grant - Glenelm School Parent Advisory Council
- 36. Applications for Citizen Member Appointments to the East Kildonan-Transcona Library Advisory Committee
- 37. Outstanding Items List - Bayview Park Drainage
- 38. Request for Traffic Prohibition on Sundays and Holidays - Kildonan Drive between Helmsdale Avenue and Rossmere Crescent
- 39. Non-Conforming Approach - 144 Helmsdale Avenue
- 40. Request for 4-Way Stop Control at the Intersection of Rushmore Road and Hovingham Street
- 41. Plan Approval - 1000 Pandora Avenue - DASZ 39/2006
- 42. Non-Conforming Approach - 2700 Dugald Road
- 43. Per Capita Grant - Neil Campbell School
- 44. Proposed amendment to Servicing Agreement AG 222/96 - Palliser Furniture Ltd.
- 45. Nominations for Citizen Member Appointments to the Concordia Hospital Board of Directors
- 46. Designations of Molson Street and Panet Road
- 47. Per Capita Grant and Recreation Program Reserve - Transcona Nationals Football Club
- 48. Per Capita Grant - Kildonan Horizons Tenant Association
- 49. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood-East Kildonan Retired Citizens Association Inc.
- 50. Per Capita Grant - Elmwood Community Resource Centre and Area Association Inc.
- 51. Per Capita Grant - Stay n' Play Drop-in Program, River East Preschool Centre
- 52. Per Capita Grant - Transcona Trails Inc.
- 53. Elmwood Park - Land Dedication Reserve
- 54. Elmwood Park - Safety and Aesthetics
- 55. Traffic on Gateway Road, between McLeod Avenue and Springfield road
- 56. Plan Approval - Concordia Avenue and Molson Street - DASZ?51/2006
- 57. Plan Approval - 1125 Molson Street - DASZ 41/2003
- 58. Plan Approval - 1115 Molson Street - DASZ 41/03 and DASZ?51/06
- 59. Plan Approval - 123 Reenders Drive - DASZ 35/05
- 60. Appeal - The Maintenance and Occupancy By-law 4903/88 - 249?McIvor Avenue EB-1 (M and O)
- 61. Excess Animal Permit - 411 Whittier Avenue West - PA 185/2007
- 62. License - 311 Nairn Avenue - LA 118848/2007
- 63. Excess Animal Permit - 46 Arbor Grove - PA 186/2007
- 64. Rezoning - 625 Knowles Avenue - DAZ 223/2007 [c/r?DAV?145538/2007D and DCU?145632/2007D]
- 65. Conditional Use - 625 Knowles Avenue - DCU 145632/2007D [c/r?DAZ 223/2007 and DAV 145632/2007D]
- 66. Variance - 625 Knowles Avenue - DAV 145538/2007D [c/r DAZ?223/2007 and DCU?145632/2007D]