Regular Meeting - April 9, 2008
- 1. Councillor Gerbasi, Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry Ward (See Report 2)
- 2. Councillor Vandal, St. Boniface Ward (Report 4)
- 3. Paul Hesse, Winnipeg Rapid Transit Coalition (See Report 2)
- 4. Curt Hull, Bike to the Future and Climate Change Connection (See Report 2)
- 1. Harte Trail Extension - Land Dedication Reserve
- 2. Federal Transit Funding - Southwest Bus Rapid Transit Corridor, Phase One
- 3. Municipal Aboriginal Pathways: First Steps - Outcomes and Results
- 4. Municipal Aboriginal Pathways: Next Steps - Aboriginal Youth Strategy
- 5. General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres - Separation of Westridge Community Centre
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated March 25, 2008
- 1. Historical Buildings By-law No. 1474/77 - 153 Lombard Avenue
- 2. Spence Neighbourhood Association Inc. - Land Dedication Reserve
- 3. Vacant and Derelict Buildings - Amendments and Improvements
- 4. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - 499 River Avenue - DASZ 1/2004
- 5. Amendment to Development Agreement AG 51/05 - Sage Creek - DASZ 32/2007
- 6. Closing - public lanes north of Portage Avenue, east and west of Victor Street - DAC 3/2008
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 755 - 763 Portage Avenue and 288 Victor Street - DASZ 2/2008
- 8. Closing - Homewood Avenue and the Public Lanes west of St. Mary's Road between Avalon Road and Bailley Avenue - DAC 15/2007
- 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - 71, 73, 75 and 87 Archibald Street - DASZ 37/2007
- 10. Subdivision and Rezoning - 454 and 478 Archibald Street - DASZ 43/2007
- 11. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 176 Watson Street - ZAA 1/2008
- 12. Subdivision - Southeast corner of Aldgate Road and Paddington Road - DAS 5/2008
- 13. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1927 St. Mary's Road and 70 Alberg Drive - DASZ 1/2008
- 14. Rezoning - 721 Oxford Street - DAZ 201/2008
- 15. West Alexander and Centennial Neighbourhood Plan
- 16. Establishment of Mechanical Permit and a Mechanical Contractor's Licence
- 17. Declaration as Surplus - 730 Pandora Avenue West
- 18. Declaration as Surplus - City-owned Land on Almey Avenue
- 19. Declaration as Surplus - Two City-owned Properties Surplus - East Side of Dakota Street between Greenwood and Hazelwood Avenues
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated March 4, 2008
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated March 27, 2008
- No report
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated March 25, 2008
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services dated April 7, 2008
- Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works dated April 8, 2008