Regular Meeting - July 9, 2008
- 372. Mayor's Trade Council Final Report - Implementation Plan
- 373. Consultant Assignments - January 1 to December 31, 2007
- 374. Street Corner Widening - Northwest corner of Marion Street and rue Youville - DAO 2/2007
- 375. Amendment to Capital Budget - Downtown Enhancement Project - Millennium Library Park
- 376. Destination Winnipeg - Welcome to Winnipeg Signage
- 377. Plan Winnipeg - A Sustainable Community Plan
- 378. 2008 Gail Parvin Hammerquist Fund Allocation
- 379. Vision and Master Plan for the 'Health and Wellness Zone' associated with the Health Sciences Centre Complex - Economic Development Grant
- 380. Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) Special Operating Agency - 2008 Business Plan (Selection Report), By-law Amendment, Multi-year Contract for Purchase of Parking Pay Stations and Parking Enforcement Contract
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works dated June 27, 2008
- 381. 1. Speed Hump Installation in the North/South Public Lane, between Redonda Street and Brelade Street, from Pandora Avenue East and Victoria Avenue East
- 382. 2. Improvements to the intersection of Dugald Road and Ravenhurst Street
- 383. 3. Public Works Fee Revision for 2008
- 384. 4. Property Acquisition for the widening of Waverley Street to four lanes between Bison Drive and proposed Collector B (John Angus Drive) in Waverley West
Standing Policy Committee on Finance dated July 3, 2008
- Meeting Cancelled, No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated June 23, 2008
- No Report
- Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated July 8, 2008
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated June 24, 2008
- 387. 1. Riverbank Stabilization of Private Property within the City of Winnipeg - Cost Benefit Analysis
- 388. 2. Amendment - Development Procedures By-law No. 5893/92 - Related Conditional Use or Variance Applications
- 389. 3. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 1780 Taylor Avenue - ZAA 3/2008
- 390. 4. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 765 Dufferin Avenue - ZAA 3/2007
- 391. 5. Rezoning - Southeast corner of Templeton Avenue and McGregor Street - DAZ 209/2008
- 392. 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - Southwest corner of Templeton Avenue and McGregor Street - DASZ 9/2008
- 393. 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 1777 Brookside Boulevard -DASZ 45/2007
- 394. 8. West Alexander and Centennial Neighbourhood Plan - SP 1/2008
- 395. 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - 702 Regent Avenue West - DASZ 13/2008
- 396. 10. Subdivision and Rezoning - 15 Chester Street - DASZ 10/2008
- 397. 11. Rezoning - 0 Chester Street - (City-owned Lands Immediately South of 4 Chester Street) - DAZ 205/2008
- 398. 12. Extension of Time - Rezoning - 2695 Main Street -DAZ 210/2007
- 399. 13. Closing - part of Don Avenue, east of Osborne Street - DAC 9/2008
- 400. 14. Opening - west side of Waverley Street at McGillivray Boulevard (Four Mile Road) and Closing - part of McGillivray Boulevard west of Waverley Street - DAOC 1/2006
- 401. 15. Closing - public lane between Langside and Furby Streets, south of Furby Place for incorporation into DAZ 202/2008 - DAC 7/2008
- 402. 16. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 905 Corydon Avenue - ZAA 5/2008
- 403. 17. Completed Real Property Sales Transactions January 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008
- 404. 18. Cancellation of Building Restriction Caveat - 205 Bloomer Crescent
- 405. 19. Correction of Errors and Omissions in Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006
- 406. 20. Transcona West Area Structure Plan - SP 1/2006
- 407. 21. Street Name Change - DASZ 39/2006
- 408. 22. Amendment to Development Agreement AG 21/2006 - Plessis Road Twinning Extension
- 409. 23. Sale - Vacant City-owned Property located on north side of Almey Avenue between Ravelston Avenue West and Peguis Street (427 Almey Avenue)
- 410. 24. Sale - City-owned property north of 1455 Buffalo Place - Saults & Pollard Real Estate Ltd.
- 411. 25. Sale - City-owned property north of 140 Otter Street - Saults & Pollard Real Estate Ltd.
- 412. 26. Sale - City-owned property south of 1560 Seel Avenue - Rebel Holdings Ltd.
- 413. 27. Declaring Property Surplus - 354 Sherbrook Street
- 414. 28. Exchange of Lands - Manitoba and Pritchard Avenues, east of Shaughnessy Street
- 415. 29. Lease Renewal - Henderson Library - 1050 Henderson Highway
- 416. 30. Lease Renewal 489 London Street - Monroe Library
- 417. 31. Sale - City-owned Property (Lots 20 to 24, part Lot 25, Plan 34,986) and a portion of the Public Lane in the block bounded by Kensington and Madison Streets and St. Matthews and Silver Avenues - LPFNT Landholding Inc
Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services dated July 4, 2008
- 418. 1. Waiver of Fees - Rental of Bandmobile - Point Douglas Residents Committee
- 419. 2. Community Incentive Grant - Entreprises Riel Inc.
- 420. 3. Agreement with the Zoological Society of Manitoba to Erect an Animal Enclosure at the Assiniboine Park Zoo
- 421. 4. Doing Business in Winnipeg By-law Amendments
- Alternate Service Delivery Committee dated July 8, 2008
Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works dated June 27, 2008
- IN CAMERA Minutes 423 to 426