Regular Meeting - July 15, 2008
- 1. Inspector Tom Kloczko, Winnipeg Police Service, Division No. 13
- 2. Keith Gans, accompanied by John Herzberg, on behalf of the Farlinger Bay residents (See Report 8)
- 1. Land Dedication Reserve - Maples Youth Activity Centre
- 2. Land Dedication Reserve - Weston Memorial Park
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Freighthouse Community Centre
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Holy Family Senior's Tower: 'The 147 Seniors' Club'
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Point Douglas Residents Committee: Canadian Arm Wrestling Championships
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Scholarships to Schools in the Point Douglas
- 7. Community Incentive Grant - Elohim Adonai Charity Centre
- 8. Seven Oaks Neighbourhood Resource Network Community Gardens project at Chochinov Bay Park
- 9. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - East of Main Street, north of Scotia Street and John Black Road, south of proposed Ridgecrest Avenue
- 10. Extension of Hours - Canadian Country Music Week
- 1. Appeal - The Maintenance and Occupancy By-law No. 4903/88 - 323 Kingsbury Avenue - EB-1(M&O)
- 2. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 94 McGregor Street - ZAA 12/2008
- 3 Zoning Agreement Amendment - 2 Sava Way - ZAA 13/2008
- 4. Rezoning - 329 and 357 Oak Point Highway - DAZ 221/2008
- 5. Rezoning - 871 Redwood Avenue - DAZ 222/2008 [c/r DAV 122874/2008D]
- 6. Variance - 871 Redwood Avenue - DAV 122874/2008D [c/r DAZ 222/2008]
- 7. Subdivision and Rezoning - 521 Bannatyne Avenue - DASZ 18/2008 [c/r DAV 116621/2008D]
- 8. Variance - 521 Bannatyne Avenue - DAV 116621/2008D [c/r DASZ 18/2008]
- 9. Subdivision and Rezoning - 50 Ridgecrest Avenue - DASZ 22/2008 [c/r DAV 122600/2008D]
- 10. Variance - 50 Ridgecrest Avenue - DAV 122600/2008D [c/r DASZ 22/2008]
- 11. Proposed Closing of Part of Riverstone Road at Fernbank Avenue - DAC 11/2008 [c/r DASZ 23/2008 & DAV 122836/2008D]
- 12. Subdivision and Rezoning - Three unaddressed properties at the corner of Main Street and Fernbank Avenue - DASZ 23/2008 [c/r DAC 11/2008 & DAV 122836/2008D]
- 13. Variance - Unaddressed properties at the south west corner of Main Street and Fernbank Avenue - DAV 122836/2008D [c/r DASZ 23/2008 & DAC 11/2008]