Regular Meeting - September 8, 2009
- 185. Kelly Murray, President, accompanied by Billy Ladyman, Chair, Parent Advisory Council and Jillian Lamothe, Assistant Head, Finance and Operations, St. John's Ravenscourt (See Minute No. 198)
- 186. Ian Sutherland, Chair, accompanied by Margaret Rowley, President, Crossways in Common (See Minute No. 207)
- 187. 2010 Schedule of Meetings - City Centre Community Committee
- 188. Occasional Liquor Permit - University of Winnipeg Students Association
- 189. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Kleysen Waterplay Park
- 190. Land Dedication Reserve Fund - Benson Park
- 191. Per Capita Grant - Broadway Neighbourhood Centre
- 192. Per Capita Grant - Marty Bader
- 193. Per Capita Grant - Original Filipino Seniors Association of Manitoba Inc.
- 194. Per Capita Grant - Randy Viray Financial Services Inc.
- 195. Per Capita Grant - St. Andrew's River Heights United Church
- 196. Community Incentive Grant - Elohim Adonai Charity Centre
- 197. Community Incentive Grant - West Central Women's Resource Centre
- 198. Community Incentive Grant - St. Johns Ravenscourt School Parents Association
- 199. Community Incentive Grant - Philippine Recreation and Resource Centre
- 200. Extension of Time - Proposed Rezoning and Subdivision on land located on the north side of Bishop Grandin Boulevard east of Waverley Street
- 201. Application for a Non-Conforming Approach at 605 South Drive
- 202. Non-Conforming Approach at 1257 / 1259 Clifton Street
- 203. Development of the Assiniboine Bike Boulevard
- 204. Per Capita Grant - West Broadway Development Corporation
- 205. Per Capita Grant - Take Back the Night Organizing Committee
- 206. Occasional Liquor Permit - Sherbrook Street Festival
- 207. Community Incentive Grant - Crossways in Common
- 208. Plan Approval - 1845 Mather Avenue
- 209. Rezoning - 124 Harrow Street - DAZ 202/2009 [c/r DCU 108005/2009D]
- 210. Conditional Use - 124 Harrow Street - DCU 108005/2009D [c/r DAZ 202/2009]
- 211. Rezoning - 271 - 301 Burnell Street - DAZ 210/2009 (
- 212. Rezoning - 733 McMillan Avenue - DAZ 208/2009 [c/r DCU 133826/2009D, DAV 133831/2009D] Fort Rouge
- 213. Conditional Use - 733 McMillan Avenue - DCU 133826/2009D [c/r DAZ 208/2009, DAV 133831/2009D]
- 214. Variance - 733 McMillan Avenue - DAV 133831/2009D [c/r DAZ 208/2009, DCU 133826/2009D]
- 215. Subdivision and Rezoning - former Railway Right-of-Way North of Corydon, South of Kingsway between Lockwood Street and Grosvenor Avenue - DASZ 14/2009 [c/r DAV 115232/2009D]
- 216. Variance - former Railway Right-of-Way North of Corydon, South of Kingsway between Lockwood Street and Grosvenor Avenue - DAV 115232/2009D [c/r DASZ 14/2009]