Regular Meeting - September 21, 2009
- 1. Brent McIntyre, President, and Garth Nolan, Treasurer, Gateway Recreation Centre Inc. (See Report 10)
- 2. Brent McIntyre, President, and Garth Nolan, Treasurer, Gateway Recreation Centre Inc. (See Report 20)
- 1. Occasional Liquor Permit - Elmwood Giants Baseball Club Inc.
- 2. 2010 Schedule of Meetings - East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee
- 3. Per Capita Grant - Youth Activist Retreat
- 4. Per Capita Grant - Amanda Nolan
- 5. Per Capita Grant - Millennium Gardens - River East
- 6. Per Capita Grant - Winnipeg Children's Choir
- 7. Per Capita Grant - Gryphon's Junior B Box Lacrosse
- 8. Community Incentive Grant - East Side Eagles Football Club
- 9. Community Incentive Grant - Rainbow Tenant Committee
- 10. Community Incentive Grant - Gateway Recreation Centre Inc.
- 11. Kilcona Park Cross Country Trails Naming - Chris McCubbins
- 12. Curb Renewals - East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee Wards
- 13. Closure of the Disraeli Bridge and Measures to Prevent Traffic from Diverting through the Glenelm Neighbourhood
- 14. Left Turn Signal - Munroe Avenue and Raleigh Street
- 15. Right Turn Only Restriction on McIvor Avenue
- 16. Traffic Counts - Dugald Road east and west of Murdoch Road and Murdock Road north and south of the entrance to Buhler Recreation Park
- 17. Non-Conforming Approach - 19 Zacharias Place
- 18. Non-Conforming Approach - 12 Kern Drive
- 19. Land Dedication Reserve - Gateway Recreation Centre Inc.
- 20. East Kildonan-Transcona Community Committee Reserve Street Name List - 'Bill Larkin'
- 21. Amendment to Development Agreement AG 21/2006 - north of Devonshire Drive West,west of Plessis Road
- 22. Plan Approval - 403 Regent Avenue West
- 1. Excess Animal Permit - 396 Tweed Avenue - PA 208/2009
- 2. Excess Animal Permit - 110 Eaton Street - PA 211/2009
- 3. Excess Animal Permit - 118 Avaco Drive - PA 213/2009
- 4. Opening and Closing - part of Neil Avenue between Golspie and Raleigh Streets and Proposed Opening - cul-de-sac at the terminus of Neil Avenue at Golspie Street - DAOC 4/2009
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 535 Ham Street - DASZ 21/2009