Regular Meeting - October 21, 2009
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated October 5, 2009
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development dated October 8, 2009
- 1. Extension of Time - Rezoning and Subdivision - north side of Bishop Grandin Boulevard, east of Waverley Street - DASZ 6/2007
- 2. Extension of Time - Subdivision and Rezoning - Creek Bend Road - DASZ 52/2005
- 3. Servicing Agreement Amendment - Bison Drive Sidewalk
- 4. Street Opening and Closing - De Baets Street, south of Camiel Sys Street - DAOC 3/2009
- 5. Subdivision and Rezoning - 425 John Forsyth Road - DASZ 9/2009
- 6. Subdivision and Rezoning - 21 Iroquois Bay - DASZ 16/2009
- 7. Zoning Agreement Amendment - 2624 Inkster Boulevard - ZAA 5/2009
- 8. Amendment to Development Agreement - north of Devonshire Drive West, west of Plessis Road - DASZ 21/2006
- 9. Amendment to Development Agreement - Headmaster Row Sidewalks (Laurence Kostynyk) - DASZ 45/2004
- 10. Amendment to Development Agreement - Headmaster Row Sidewalks (North Grassie Properties) - DASZ 20/2004
- 11. Rezoning - 91 Lowson Crescent - DAZ 206/2009
- 12. Encroachment Agreement - Notre Dame Right-of-Way - Neil Bardal Inc.
- 13. Encroachment Agreement - Regent Avenue West Right-of-Way - Transcona Hi Neighbourhood Festival Inc.
- 14. Lease - 235B McPhillips Street - Winnipeg Fire Paramedics Service -Ambulance Storage/Restocking Facility
- 15. Encroachment Agreement - St. Mary's Road Right-of-Way - 5712239 Manitoba Corp.
- 16. Lease Amendment - Louis Riel Library, 1168 Dakota Street - Southwood Enterprises Ltd.
- Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services dated October 9, 2009
- Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works dated October 13, 2009
- 1. Electric Trolley Bus system for Winnipeg Transit
- 2. Amendment to the City of Winnipeg Traffic By-law No. 1573/77 - Bishop Grandin Boulevard (Route 165) Bridge Crossings of the Red River
- 3. Delegated Authority to the Chief Administrative Officer - Put or Pay Agreements with High Volume Private Waste Haulers and other Municipalities
- 4. Tendering Strategy for Residential Recycling
Standing Policy Committee on Finance dated October 15, 2009
- No Report
Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development dated October 5, 2009